The RecordKeeper   -   more than a journal


(posted on 18 Jun 2017)

Yep, that's right, no church today. I set the alarm, and because I didn't sleep well last night (no surprises there folks!), I turned the alarm off and bam! I awoke at 9:25am - and church services start at 10:30! Well, I could either rush out of bed sans coffee AND journaling (oh no!), or have my coffee and see how much "time" I have then rush to get ready and go. Well, you know how that turned out, right? But guess what? - my higher power is right here, now, with me - how great is that? And I can still be there at the church building with those in attendance, in spirit.

So I'm taking my time by blogging and creating what I want to include on my flyer for July's book-signing at Aquarius Books here in Grants Pass. It's going to be another hot one today (anything over 85 and I'm TOO hot!), so I will either stay inside or perhaps hike somewhere in the shade by the coolness of a river or creek. I'll let you know.

Stay cool,
